Monday, August 25, 2014


SUPERPOSITION is an algorithmic circuit analysis method with a prescribed procedure like the node voltage or loop current method.

The Superposition is applied only in circuits with 2 or more independent source in which a final solution can be built as the additive of two or more partial solutions 

Superposition only applies to a linear circuit, which are made of circuit elements. It does not apply in non linear circuits.

The superposition principle states that the voltage across the voltage or current in a element in an linear circuit is the voltage across (current through) that element due to each independent source acting alone.

The Superposition helps us to solve the circuit with many independent source but we just have to remember the things 
to use superposition. 

1.  Consider one independent source at a time while all other independent source are turned off. For voltage source, the source will have a short circuit while the current sources are opened.

2. Dependent Sources are left the same because they are control by circuits variables.

Steps in using superposition theorem:
1. Turn off all independent source except for one source. Then find the output depending on what you will use to simplify the circuit, it could be nodal or mesh analysis .

2. Do the in steps for the other sources.

3. Find the total contribution by assuming up the partial results (voltage or current) to find the unknown.

Recollection About:
in superposition theorem, there is only a simple solution find the unknowns, you can use the Voltage divider and current divider.
and by summing the partial results you will come up with the result.
You can also get directly the unknown by using the voltage or current divider with in that loop as long there is the given independent source and a two resistors given.

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