Friday, July 11, 2014


Picture of How to use a breadboard
A breadboard also known as protoboard is a type of solderless electronic circuit building.You can build a electronic circuit on a breadboard without any soldering  Best of all it is reusable. It was designed by Ronald J Portugal of EI Instruments Inc. in 1971.

Building or prototyping circuits on a breadboard is also known as 'breadboarding '.

There are various types of breadboard.Breadboard can be found in various sizes and functions.Early amateur radio hobbists used cutting board for bread to prototype there radios thus the name breadboard came.
Some breadboards got built-in powersupply,some got power supply rail and some got only the prototyping section.

A bread board is an array of conductive metal clips encased in a box made of white ABS plastic, where each clip is insulated with another clips. There are a number of holes on the plastic box, arranged in a particular fashion. A typical bread board layout consists of two types of region also called strips. Bus strips and socket strips. Bus strips are usually used to provide power supply to the circuit. It consists of two columns, one for power voltage and other for ground.

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